Justice Activists

Cases of Interest

Anand Jon Alexander

Anand Jon Alexander should get relief under Racial Justice Act, hi trial record shows extraordinary xenophobia, racial/religious, ethnic, nationalistic inflammatory tactics employed by the prosecutor against  Mr. Alexander (an Indian citizen). His case has played a prominent role in the inception1 and emergence of the Racial Justice Act (RJA). Mr. Alexander is clearly  deserving relief under the RJA which is intended to “to eliminate racial bias from California’s criminal justice system because racism in any form or amount, at any  stage of a criminal trial, is intolerable, inimical to a fair criminal justice system, is a miscarriage of justice” Art. VI Cal. Const, Assembly. Bill No. 2542,2 subd (i).

This case was rampant with “racially discriminatory language”, comparisons “to an animal” and “reference[d] the defendant’s physical appearance, culture, ethnicity, or  national origin” using overt or coded language, implicit “negative stereotypes” to inflame the communal fears, passions and prejudices of the jury in violation AB 256  Sec. 2. 745(c)(4); (a)(2).

While a single violation is sufficient for relief, and Mr. Alexander does not need to show intentionality, prejudice, or unfairness, the instant case qualifies, however, for  relief under each, and every one of the possible four categories of behavior that infringe the RJA 745 (a). The requirement to (1) allege facts that would establish a RJA  violation occurred, (2) the prima facie stage for an evidentiary hearing, as well as (3) the legal standard for actual relief, because Mr. Alexander was discriminated  against during trial proceedings, are easily and overwhelmingly established here. Penal code 745 (h) (2) (c) (d) (c) (4).


  1. https://patch.com/california/longbeach-ca/reforming-prosecution-justice-systems
  2. https://medium.com/@jenniferjones_legal/how-anand-jon-alexanders-trial-represents-flaws-in-america-s-jury-selection-process-212b9aa1fac0
  3. https://open.spotify.com/episode/3iJ0DLS6eiPho5i4xSs4y8
  4. https://www.davisvanguard.org/2020/03/anand-jons-path-to-freedom-a-san-diego-meeting-with-assemblymember-weber/
  5. https://www.davisvanguard.org/2019/10/analysis-was-wrongfully-convicted-fashion-designer-victim-of-racial-prejudice-on-the-part-of-the-Prosecutor/
  6. http://www.indiajournal.com/met/activists-call-to-release-designer-anand-jon

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